Thursday, 14 July 2011

Woohoo! Asaah! and various other exclamations of delight!

All the mulling and brooding I did on Tuesday about language and barriers seemed to break through a mental block I had about using the (very) few Korean words I actually have command of.

And yet again, as is so often the case, once I had made the mental shift, the universe obligingly re-aligned itself to facilitate this epiphany.  Composing Tuesday's blog post in my head all day left me bound and determined to stick my neck out and be willing to look like an idiot.  After all, it worked for learning how to roll my French 'r's' - which I now do delectably thank you very much!
Accordingly, on Tuesday evening, for the first time in four and a half months, I found myself leaving work at the same time as the very Kindergarten teachers that I want to talk to most.

A quick explanation as to why this is extraordinary:  In my daily school routine I usually only see some of the Kindy teachers when I am teaching their students.  They start work before me and finish after, while throughout the day itself they work from the Teacher's room on the top floor, while I'm rocking the English Zone.  We don't even have lunch together.  Yet every day, they are so gracious and respectful to me and so phenomenal with their kids, that I feel like these are exactly the kind of Korean women I would like to have as friends.

So anyway, Tuesday evening, and I am walking down the street with four of the Kindy teachers and one of them, Miss G,  asks me:
"You going home?"
"Aniyeo (no).  DVD Bang."
Four very startled girls exclaim "Alone??!!"
"Aniyeo!!  Chingu Elizabeth!" (no. friend)
(I wanted it crystal clear I was going with a girl, cos when a guy and a gal go to a DVD bang, they ain't there to watch a movie.)
Four very relieved girls, "Aaaahh!"
"We watch Korean movie with Gong Yoo."  (korean actor)
Beautiful bonding moment as five women stroll along, contemplating the gorgeousness that is Gong Yoo.
"Maeil, I watch 'Coffee Prince'.  Chincha chua!" (everyday, really good)

That was it.  A pretty short exchange, but it completely changed the landscape of our relationship.  It made us real to each other.  They saw me trying.  They learned that I know enough to know going solo to a DVD bang is weird and they now know I like Korean men.  Progress.

The next day, by yet another freak of timing, I was in the office while they were collecting the kids milk. 
"You see movie?  DVD Bang?"
"Neh. (yes) Gong Yoo movie absoyeo (not there).  We watched 'Naesarang ssagaji'. (my love slave)  Kyeopta! Chincha jaemi!" (cute. very funny)
That evening as I was leaving, Miss G looked up and said "DVD Bang?"
"Aniyeo." I grinned, "Tae Kwon Do!"
"Tae Kwon Do?! Chincha?!"
"Chincha!" I replied, still grinning.

I love it when life just works!

1 comment:

  1. I am impressed with your Korean! And your glee with ypur life abroad is easily as delicious and palpable as mine, if not more so!
