Saturday, 23 July 2011

Farewell mes amies

Last Tuesday we had a 'Farewell Soiree' for the two founder members of our 'French Conversation in Ulsan' club.  They are heading back Stateside at the end of this month, so we had a evening of fun and frolics, but for a sad reason.
This was the first of what will inevitably be many goodbyes from the transient world of English Teachers in Ulsan.  It's a good job I'm making friends with 'Lifers' (long term foreigners) and actual Koreans, otherwise I'd go daft.

We had a feast of french breads, cheeses and pastries all washed down with lovely red wine while watching the hilarious 'Asterix et Obelix: Mission Cleopatra'.  Gerard Depardieu was born to play Obelix!

The evening took place at Founding French Girl's apartment.  There being five girls (only two guys) and lots of red wine, the evening quite naturally ended with manicures.  I quite like mine, don't you?

I will dearly miss these two girls.  French Conversation was my first small yet unbelievably effective step into building up a social life here and it had a real domino effect.  Out of it came Dinner Club, Tae Kwon Do and of course meeting my Ulsan Bestie: Lush!

Come September our few remaining members must come up with a great recruitment drive.  Speaking French in Korean restaurants is just too much hilariously, confusing, good fun to let it fade away.  Apart from anything else, when I am Facebook messaging the two girls I want to be able to honestly report that our little club is alive and well.

Vive la France!

P.S:  You should have seen the Kindergarten kids wig out over Kate-uh Teacha's manicure the next day.  They loved it!  (Which is of course, precisely why I did it!)

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