In my (not humble enough) opinion, these are very closely followed by the nights when all you want to do is crawl home and hide under the duvet, but you drag your sorry, 'cat dragged you through a hedge backwards' carcass out instead.
'Virtue is it's own reward' is far too priggish, but I do think it's a case of reaping the rewards of keeping your word.
Such was the case last Friday night. I had worked late, I was tired, hungry and suffering from a killer headache. I was supposed to go to Tae Kwon Do and birthday drinks and I did not want to do either. I wanted to swing by the pharmacy, load up on painkiller, taxi home and not get out of bed till Sunday.
I did swing by the pharmacy. For the Tylenol we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful! I also hit McDonalds - no way was I cookin' tonight! I skipped Tae Kwon Do. (My Kwan Jan Nim will not be happy about that, seeing as how I have a belt test in two weeks) and went home to nap. At 9.30 I arose from the dead, so to speak, and did what every girl knows to do to psyche herself up: I set up my Kpop playlist to full volume on iTunes and lashed on enough face paint to stop a train! I was dancin' around and prettified in no time. So off I headed into Shinae to meet the gang (an entire actual gang, only one of which I actually knew).
I love, love, LOVE walking around Shinae at night. I really must get some pictures for you. It is so gloriously and ridiculously over the top with neon signs, and the streets are so littered with flyers that you could be walking on psychedelic carpet. All the while, I'm slip, sliding through crowds of Bright Young Things. The boys in particular are a delight, so dapper and groomed that in Ireland it would be automatically assumed they were gay. I seriously believe that Metrosexual Man originated in Japan or South Korea!
I arrived at W Bar, my first actual pub outing since arriving in Ulsan, and wouldn't you know it..........
(a few weeks before, one of the foreigners at church expressed surprise that I hadn't met any Irish in my four months here, seeing as there were plenty of them in Ulsan. I laughed and said that's because I was hanging out in churches and not bars)
...... I met my first Irish person in Ulsan. Well, technichally, Northern Irish, but it was only the other foreigners who could be bothered being picky about it. We Celts had bigger fish to fry, like deploring the lack of decent Guinness and rain that was actually cold! I had a great time and met some lovely people, including one adorable Korean, let's call him S, who must surely be the current holder of the title, 'Korea's Gayest Man, 2011'!
Now bear in mind that I started the evening with a head that felt like it was the Trojan Horse with all the Greeks having a mad Stag night, and you will understand how I completely flabbergasted myself by not simply doing 'a lap of honour' as originally intended, but staying in the bar till 2, AND THEN repairing to a nearby Norae Bang to party it up for another two and a half hours.
Three weeks before my 34th birthday, it's nice to know that 'You're only young once' is still applicable.
Albeit sporadically.
And here comes Exhibit A
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