Sunday, 24 July 2011

Girls just wanna have fun - boys, read this at your peril!

Accidental Pilgrim is a seriously pissed miss today.  Well and truly hacked off indeed.  This is not helped by the fact that there is no one to blame but Mother Nature.  Like she'll take a blind bit of notice!

I had a nice day planned for today.  Church at 12, it is our Pastor's last day today, so that was sure to have been a special service and a packed crowd.  All followed by a pot luck lunch.
I was in a dither all week trying to figure out what my gastronomic contribution would be.  Back home I always brought a few loaves of Irish Soda bread but I had left it too late to try and track down wholemeal flour online and have it delivered.

Yesterday though, Lush and I decided to do a recce of the Food Hall in Lotte Department Store and wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles! Wholemeal flour!!  Calloo Callaay!  I carted off three bags of the stuff, as well as the sunflower and pumpkin seeds.  Thus becoming quite possibly to first person in Ulsan to bring assorted baking ingredients with her into a DVD Bang - told you I knew how to work the 'Crazy Foreigner Card'!
It was only when I arrived home that I realised that while I had baking powder, what I actually needed was baking soda.  Small chance of getting that!  Still, I needed to get weighing scales anyway, so I set my alarm for and duly set off this morning for the supermarket.

Did you catch that?  8am!  On a Sunday!  That's thirty minutes earlier than I get up on a weekday!!

No baking soda in the baking aisle, ..... no surprise either.  Curiouser and curiouser however was the fact that I did find it in the detergent aisle! It is sold to clean saucepans!

Got what I needed and headed home.  Mixed up my batch.  The wholemeal flour was paler than I'm used to, and finely, rather than coarsely ground, but oh well, foreigners can't be choosers.

Everything seems hunky dory doesn't it?  What on earth do I have to be peeved about, everything is falling into my lap?!

My fricken' period started today (you were warned in the title boys, so don't whinge now!)  with cramps worse than I've had in at least six months.
My bread is baking nicely in my dinky, little oven, I have a nice day with friends to look forward to and here I am writhing on the bed doing my damndest to contort myself into a pretzel.

Now you see why I think Mother Nature is a scabrous, auld besom!!

I tried texting one of my church friends to let her know why I was a no-show, but the text wouldn't work and the resulting message from my phone provider was in Korean, so I don't know why it didn't work.  My Korean tylenol took an absolute epoch to kick in, though I don't think it's because it's Korean, as there have been plenty of times when my Irish paracetemol has failed to cut the mustard on days like these.

On the bright side, my bread - though different from the usual - is utterly delicious and a very welcome break from the 'almost brioche' white I've been eating for the last five months.  I slapped on some Philadelphia cream cheese and strawberry jam and oooh yummy!!!
The pain is finally subsiding and there's a Harry Potter marathon on tv.
It doesn't nearly make up for missing today......but it doesn't hurt either.

1 comment:

  1. That oven will totally fit the lasagne dish, you wench! Bread looks lovely. Hope you felt better very soon xx
