Saturday, 21 August 2010

Better late than never?

I hardly know where to start this post as I return from the longest hiatus in Blogging history! My last post being April 3rd.

I think I´ll work on the maxim ´Least said, soonest mended.´
Ironically, I´ve had a lot happen to me since April, plenty of blogging material that just went to waste!

But to summarise briefly, last Ash Wednesday I posted that I was circling a cross roads in my life about where I should go career wise. Should I get an office job, start my own business or pursue a career in TEFL.

As you may recall, I started volunteering as a TEFL tutor for East Lothian Council. Partly to get me out of the house and partly to get some TEFL experience on my CV.

That was one of the smartest moves I ever made as I quickly discovered how much I loved teaching English AND having volunteer TEFL on my CV got me work pretty quickly.

On Thursday, April 8th, I was applying for tefl summer jobs online. About 90 minutes after I began I got a phone call from the first company I had applied to. I had a great conversation with the most jovial interviewer it has been my pleasure to encounter and we set a date for a phone interview the following Monday.

That Thursday evening, Best Friend went into labour and in the early hours of Friday morning I became a GodMother to a beautiful baby girl!
Best Friend and baby came home on Saturday and on Monday I had my phone interview.
The upshot was I got the job! Joy was unconfined - I was on my way!

My contract was to start on June 29th so I went home to Ireland for 3 weeks before that. Dad was having chemo and Mum was laid up with a foot injury so I went home to spoil them rotten.

Then followed five weeks of the most amazing work experience with Isis Education and Travel in Winchester. It was the friendliest staff room I have ever been in and the only way the management could have been more supportive would have been to teach my classes for me!

After Winchester I taught in Oxford Isis for one week and then it was back to Edinburgh to sleep for four days solid and catch up on my laundry.

The adventure continues in the next post.....

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