Sunday 22 August 2010

Better late than never, chapter two

The update continues.....

On Thursday the 12th of August I had been home in Edinburgh for four days and was beginning to feel human again after two and a half days of solid vegging.

I met up with my friend Stephen and his visiting couch surfers for a drink in The Albanach, a lovely pub on the Royal Mile.

That night, feeling all kinds of restless, I turned off the T.V at 10.30 and headed upstairs. I decided to check my email to see if I had anything new from my sister.
There wasn´t, but what there was was a job alert from a German Summercamp company called Lingolino. The job had been posted two hours before, and remembering what my pal Lori had told me about some TEFL jobs only being posted for a few hours, I decided to apply right away.
I had to faff about updating my CV, referees and whatnot, but I sent off the application at about 11.30 and headed off to bed.

At 8.30 the next morning I stumbled out of bed to answer the phone, thinking all the while, ´this better not be a b"$&/%d of a telemarketer.

It wasn´t! It was Stefan, the founder of Lingolino. My interview went thusly:
Stefan: "From your CV you clearly have a lot of experience. How soon can you get here?"
So nine and a half hours after applying for the job, I was booked on a Saturday afternoon flight to Düsseldorf.
To say I was shocked is putting it mildly!

I actually jumped around the bedroom yelling with delight! More experience to add to my CV, more cash to put towards my backpacking fund and ....also importantly, as I had to wait another week to be paid by Isis, getting fed and found on someone else´s expense was very appealing!

Now came the hard part: organising everything!

I phoned home to break the news to my brother that he couldn´t come visit me next week as I would be in Germany. He was off gallivanting to Castlebar for the weekend, so I told the Parental Units my news.
Then I had my Isis mate Rosie coming for the weekend. I was meeting her off the train at Waverly at 3. So I called other Isis mate, Ronan, asked him to come with me and tried to fit a weekend´s worth of visiting into one afternoon and evening - and somewhere in the middle of all of this, pack!

Thank the good sweet Lord that with my first Isis paycheck I had splashed out and bought a brilliant rucksack to celebrate/mark my decision to go backpacking with MissAmused after Christmas. It made my life much easier! Especially, since arriving in Germany I have had no end of trucking about the place on trains!

That´s plenty to be going on with for now, and I´m only one week behind, so I´m catching up fast! ;)

Next post: Life in the Tipidorf (Teepee Camp)

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