Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Life is a Three Ring Circus

Life is pretty laid back in this camp in the Black Forest, compared to how hectic it was in Mönchengladbach last week.
Yep, that town is a mouthful isn´t it. The only claim to fame the poor place had was as the birth place of Josef Göebbels. Not something to brag about!

Last week, us adults were on duty from 8 in the morning to till lights out at night. This week, while we still have the English lessons in the morning, after lunch the kids are whisked away to learn circus skills like juggling, acrobatics and whatnot.

If I ever figure out how to upload photos on this German computer, I shall show you some examples!

This leaves the other teachers and myself with a WHOLE 90 minutes of free time.
It´s heady stuff I tell ya! Then the kids get to do their chores; some have to feed the Alpacas, some the Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Pigs, etc, etc. Which gives us another hour all to ourselves.

Add to that the free internet on tap and I am one ecstatically happy camper!

In other news, I found out yesterday that this weekend I am being relocated to the south of Austria, to a surf school for two weeks.
In yet another never before heard of town called ´Seeboden´.

That´s one of the things I´m really relishing about TEFL work. I´ve been doing it since the end of June and so far I have been to four cities - only one of which I ever had any intention of visiting. (That would be Oxford btw)

Now, I´m headed to some obscure corner of Austria, which is a country I´ve never been to, so I´m really excited about that. I´m also having very enjoyable daydreams planning my scenic route home, visiting a few friends along the way......

I´m especially looking forward to taking my cotton picking time to get to Austria, because I seriously need to spend a few hours in a city centre buying soap, socks and Good Sweet Lord some insect repellent!!

Goodnight and Godbless!

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