Saturday, 3 April 2010

Waiting to Exhale

Today is Holy Saturday, that quiet interlude between the solemnity of Good Friday and the exhultation of Easter Sunday. The breath before the plunge.

This year, that sense of waiting is two fold, as Best Friend is now two days past her due date and we are all waiting and wondering when labour will begin.

So this Lent for me has been preparation for both a resurrection and a birth. For the former, I have taken part in the services, taken up voluntary work and generally given my poor soul a badly needed spring clean.
For the latter, it has been a very satisfying time of cleaning house, putting up the cot and washing a positive mountain of baby clothes and nappies.

So here and now, all that is left to us is, waiting. All preparation done, our household abides in fellowship and waits on the Lord's time.

God bless.

(I know that was a tad ponderous, but it's the Easter Weekend for pete's sake - ponderousness is practically mandatory!)

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