Thursday, 7 April 2016

Normal Service Will Be Resumed Shortly, Thank You For Your Patience

Dear Readers,
I hardly know where to begin this post, just as I can hardly believe that it has been three years since my last one. I have been procrastinating over this for quite some time now, as I struggled to find a killer opening hook, but I finally remembered the words of G.K Chesterton, "If something is worth doing, it's worth doing badly."

So here I am, willing to be clumsy and awkward.

When last I posted it was the 13th of March, 2011 and I was full of plans for travelling in Australia and Europe and staying at home for a month, before returning back to Korea for more adventures.

Sadly, just one week after posting, Ms. Amused and I got a phonecall from Ireland. Rather, we got THE phonecall from Ireland:  "You need to come home immediately, your father is dying."
Three days later, having quit our jobs and packed up our apartments (thanks to staggering amounts of help from our friends, for which we are eternally grateful), we were on our way back to Ireland.

We had almost exactly a month with Dad before he died. It was difficult and painful and blessed and wonderful. But since the day he died I had not wanted to write a single word.......until now.

So much has happened in the last three years, so much tears and laughter, adventures and catastrophes:  I returned to Korea, started a new job, started a bakery business, adopted a dog, dated, travelled, coped with grief, and now I have come back to Ireland.

So for the foreseeable future, this blog will be a mixture of reminiscences of my Korean adventures, a safe place to vent my reverse culture shock and terrible homesickness, and a record of my journey to build a new life here in Ireland.

Ok, thank you for sticking with me through the awkward bit.  The next posts will be back to my usual charm and wit, I promise!  ;)

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