Sunday, 10 April 2016

Crack K-Drama Recommendations - These'll get you hooked! - Part 0

Over the last few years, several of my friends, (who well knew of my passion for Korean drama) have asked me to recommend a few shows to them.  These conversations usually took place over a bottle of soju (or 3) in a Samgyupsal restaurant, or while walking our dogs in the park. So I would give them a few names and tell them, "Whatever you watch, go to and read the recaps, they will explain everything." Far better than watching it with me and having to bear my constant twitching as I restrained myself from explaining every nuance of every scene!  The most recent request came this week, so I finally got organised to compile a proper blog post and do justice to the subject.

It is said that, 'Acknowledging that you have a problem is the first step in overcoming it'. By this logic, I am screwed, for the denial is strong in this one. I honestly believed that I would be able to cover all this material in one post!  Idiot.
I don't want to rattle off a quick 'Top 10' list, as both my friends and Korean dramas are varied enough to make a quick list impossible.

So instead, I am going to break this down by genre. And suddenly this simple post has hatched into a seven part series.  I'd say that I was a sucker for punishment, except that I'm going to utterly relish every bit of it!

So here's what will be coming in the next few days:

Part 1: Saeguks - Historical Dramas: Swords, Silks and Subterfuge.

Part 2: Crime and Punishment in the Land of the Morning Calm.

Part 3: Time Travel: A Wibbly Wobbly......Timey Wimey......Ball of Stuff.

Part 4: Gender Bendy Shenanigans.

Part 5: Medical and Mental Mayhem.

Part 6: Drama, Drama, Drama - A Cornucopia of Tropes.

Part 7: I Took The Bullet, So You Don't Have To.

(rubs hands gleefully) This is gonna be fuuuuuun!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun!

    *Giggles* That last one though ... I can only wonder.

    I can't wait! <3

    ~ Jude
