Saturday, 23 April 2011

You know you're a kindergarten teacher when.......

  • by Friday afternoon your hands are so covered in marker and crayon you look like you have been attacked by a blind, malicious tattoo artist.
  • you're six weeks into the term at your new school and already getting over your second cold caused by prolonged proximity to cute but snotty five year olds.
  • the children occassionally barricade the door at the end of the class to stop you leaving - as opposed to ten years down the line when they will be fantasising about stopping you entering.
  • 'Dignity' is a state enjoyed by others.
  • ditto for 'Personal Space'
  • Your enunciation and hand gestures would be the envy of any Childrens T.V presenter.
And you know you're a Kindergarten Teacher in Korea when.......
  • the girls where hair accessories that Irish kids would only trot out at Halloween, including pink tiaras, rabbit ears and bow ties precisely half the size of the child's head.
  • In order to get the boys' attention one must first confiscate their origami Ninja throwing stars. ( I did not make this up - who could make up something like that?!)
  • You toss and turn in bed at night muttering in your sleep: " Ee goy oh?" This is Korean for "Is this it?" Which you hear at least 80 times a day as each student seeks personal reassurance that they are on the right page.
And you truly know that you are a Kindergarten teacher when your day is filled with all of the above and you love every second of it!

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