Sunday, 17 April 2011

Just Plumb Crazy!

I had a great example this weekend of what a daft bint I can be at times! So naturally I thought I would share my foible with the world: I was talking to my sister on Skpe this Saturday. She is just landed back in Ireland after a year in New Zealand topped off with a month in Australia and 10 days in Bali. I had a lovely time hearing a sample of her stories and reflections but when I ended the call I sat back and thought, "Wow, she has had some great adventures!" I was settling in for a nice comfortable bout of sibling envy when it struck me - "What the hell am I doing?!" Am I seriously going to envy my sister's adventure while sitting in my apartment in South Korea!!! For years I dreamed of moving to France, a country where I spoke the language, loved the food and was a two hour flight from home - but I could never quite get my act together enough to take the plunge. Now I find myself in a country where I speak precisely five phrases, recognise about 20% of what I'm eating (and by recognise I mean I can point to it and say that's fish!) and I'm a day and a half from home. I'm so far out of my comfort zone that it is merely a smudge on the horizon - I reckon I'll have all the adventure I can handle and then some in the next 12 months. So in this blog you will get to see the trials and tribulations of this Accidental Pilgrim as I struggle with the language, the culture, the fact that I can't buy shoes!! Meep! Fingers crossed I'll be able to handle it all, and write about it so wittily that I'll keep you enchanted. Ciao for now!

1 comment:

  1. You're handling it just brilliantly! I want to hear a lot more stories from South Korea, enjoy it!

