Monday, 13 September 2010

Happy happy joy joy

Two notable things about my last week in Austria:

1) From my last post youĺl know about my standing up for myself to secure better working conditions. Well, not only did they apologise for putting me in such a situation......they have offered me more work in October/November. Now that I know I can take care of myself I had no hesitation in accepting. Ka ching goes my travel fund!

2) The second occurrence of note is that as there were only eight students this week, myself and the other teacher, Chris, were able to join in on the sailing course. I learned how to do knots and everything! On Friday morning we had our exam - which I did in German, thank you very much! I am now the proud holder of a certificate in Basic Sailing from the Austrian Sailing Association.

Apart from the giddy delight of falling head over heels with a new sport, this has also been a great boost for myself and MsAmused and our plans (hopes) of signing on as crew on a yacht sailing from Darwin to Indonesia next spring. All I have to do now is find out the English names for the knots I know!

On Saturday, once I had waved goodbye to Chris and the last of the students I set off for Bratislava.

I was really excited about my first foray into Eastern Europe. I´ve been here two days now and I´m still pinching myself!
My two friends met me off the train, right on the platform. It was a strange and wonderful moment. When I had said goodbye to this couple in Winchester in July I had promised to visit them in Bratislava before Christmas. I meant it with all my heart, but I can´t deny there was a lurking suspicion that it would probably be financially impossible.

Lo! and Behold! Seven weeks later I´m hugging them at Bratislava Hlavna Stancia (main station)

God is very, very good to me. (happy sighs)

And thanks to getting work organised for October-November, Iĺl now be able to keep my other promise to my Polish friends to visit them!

All this is BEFORE I go travelling! heh heh. I am sooooo in love with life right now!

In the next post I will do a proper report on my stay in Bratislava and my reaction to Soviet Chic........

Live long and prosper.

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