Tuesday, 7 September 2010

An adult! Who......me??

I was presented with an oppurtunity to `grow and mature´last week. Adult speak for almost finding myself up the proverbial creek without a paddle.
I was informed that I would be running the language camp on my own this week as there would only be 7 students. My heart sank as I read THAT email! The prospect of being effectively on duty from 3pm on Sunday to 12 noon on Saturday AND with no increase in salary mind you!

Well, to begin with I sent back an email of begrudging acceptance but the longer I thought about it the more indignant I got. Until it wasn´t long before I had my high horse all saddled up and ready to go.
I sent off texts / emails to my parents and former TEFL boss, canvassing second opinions - even on my high horse I felt the need of a little back up!
The jury returned a unanimous verdict - No Way Jose!
Thusly vindicated I phoned Head Office and made it clear that sole responsibility was unfair and that as they had neglected to send me a contract (despite my repeated requests), I was under no obligation to stay and could just toddle off to Bratislava a week early.

Which could have really inconvenienced my hosts, but Head Office didn´t know that!
HQ texted me back with an offer: a wage increase of €100. I emailed back a polite refusal. It wasn´t about the money I said. I was terribly grown up about it and used words like ´morally irresponsible´, ´legally suspect´, and even, my favourite: "let´s be frank about this.."

Hah! Get me!!

I braced myself for leaving work a week ahead of schedule, but instead, in fairly short order I received a text and email from HQ apologising for putting me in this situation and reassuring me that I would have a teacher sent to me on Sunday.


What surprised me most about the whole affair was what it revealed about how I see myself.

I am 33 years old and have been working professionally since I was 20 and yet when put into a mildly confrontational situation, I still had to work up a head of steam and gather a posse of supporters before standing up for myself. Then feeling ridiculously proud of myself for doing so.

All of which begs the question: When will I finally realise that I am, in fact, .....a grown up??

1 comment:

  1. My dear Kate-Fair play to you for standing up for yourself.If I had been put in that situation I don't know if I would have had the courage to do what you did.I would have needed a posse of supporters well-it is called perspective.So don't go hard on yourself,you stood up for yourself,GO KATE!!!!!love ya!Nuala
