Wednesday, 10 February 2010

It takes a village...

They say it takes a village to raise a child and although I knew and heartily endorsed this statement already, yesterday I was given cause to believe it all over again!

Best Friend was at the hairdresser's for the important Pre-Natal hairdo: Baby's ETA is 7 weeks now. So I collected Best Friend's Boy from nursery and was looking forward to a productive afternoon of cooking dinner and doing a window treatment while BFB and his play date entertained each other rampaging around the rest of the ground floor.
Nothing I hadn't handled quite easily before. I got the korma started and then took down the bland Landlord's curtains and hung the nice Ikea ones. Added to that was the immense satisfaction from wielding hammer and nails - only to put up a picture hook, put fun all the same!

All was going swimmingly and those two plates were spinning nicely until BFB had some major regression in his potting training. Hosing down was required.

So I discovered that a) Korma, though a deliciously mild curry, is also a very forgiving one, as it can take a little, 'carbon enrichment' and b) that one should never underestimate the importance of having someone to stir!

Happily for me that someone arrived in the shape of Playdate's Mum, who also brought news of a possible job.
I'll let you know how that pans out.

So it was with great relief that I began to read Henri De Lubac's 'The Splendour of the Church' this morning. I'm only half way into the first chapter but I can already tell that this book, like all the best theology books, is going to be intellectually taxing but ultimately rewarding.

At least this activity won't overwhelm my multi-tasking skills.

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