Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Ash Wednesday

Best Friend and I went to Mass today for Ash Wednesday, and as I knelt and prayed after Communion I meditated on where the Lenten journey would take me this year.

I've learned over the past few years that when I truly surrender, it can take me to some rather wonderful and unexpected places. God does indeed work in mysterious ways.

This year the beginning of Lent finds me circling the same crossroads I've been contemplating for a few months now, namely: what path do I follow career wise? Do I go for TEFL teaching, an office job or pursue my business idea?

So this Lent will be seven weeks of 'Hush up and Listen!' as I try to discern God's will for my working life.

I'm rather looking forward to seeing where this pilgrimage will take me, and finally getting past the crossroads.

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