Last week I was fighting a valiant rearguard action against yet another cold, so I popped into a nearby pharmacy for lunch to stock up on Theraflu, the Korean equivalent of Lemsip.
When I asked for it however, the pharmacist apologised but said that they were out of stock and wouldn't have it for a day or so.
It was at this point that 'The Look' crossed his face.
'The Look' says - oh how clearly it declares: "I can't say this in your language! How the hell do I mime this!"
It is a facial expression with which I am initimately familiar, because during my average week there may be several occasions where I am either recieving 'The Look', or making it myself.
And bless Mr.Pharmacist for even trying to figure out a mime. Quite a few people, myself included, would have contented themselves with the simple, yet efficient, "Theraflu. No." and made this gesture:

So when I replied in Korean, "Oh, that's alright, give me Tylenol instead please.", the look of relief which dawned across his face was a joy to behold. He complimented me on my Korean, whereupon I did what any self-respecting Irish (and indeed, Korean) person does when they get a compliment - the old 'Demurral Two Step'.
"Oh no, it isn't good. I'm only slowly learning it." etc, etc back pedal, back pedal.
The funny thing is, I'm not being falsely modest here. I really DON'T speak that much Korean and I AM learning it quite slowly.
That being said, there are whole phrases which I use all the time and therefore they trip effortlessly off the tongue.
Ironically, one of those phrases is "Oh no, I only speak a little Korean. I'm just learning it slowly."
It's a fair mouthful and I have to own up to a childish glee whenever I trot it out and see them processing the fact that I've just "I don't speak Korean.", in flawless Korean! heh heh.
So I skipped out of the pharmacy that day clutching my Tylenol and a warm glow of satisfaction that for once I had been able to disarm 'The Look'.
I could get used to this feeling.
Not the copious and arduous amounts of study it requires though. Sigh.
When I asked for it however, the pharmacist apologised but said that they were out of stock and wouldn't have it for a day or so.
It was at this point that 'The Look' crossed his face.
'The Look' says - oh how clearly it declares: "I can't say this in your language! How the hell do I mime this!"
It is a facial expression with which I am initimately familiar, because during my average week there may be several occasions where I am either recieving 'The Look', or making it myself.
And bless Mr.Pharmacist for even trying to figure out a mime. Quite a few people, myself included, would have contented themselves with the simple, yet efficient, "Theraflu. No." and made this gesture:
So when I replied in Korean, "Oh, that's alright, give me Tylenol instead please.", the look of relief which dawned across his face was a joy to behold. He complimented me on my Korean, whereupon I did what any self-respecting Irish (and indeed, Korean) person does when they get a compliment - the old 'Demurral Two Step'.
"Oh no, it isn't good. I'm only slowly learning it." etc, etc back pedal, back pedal.
The funny thing is, I'm not being falsely modest here. I really DON'T speak that much Korean and I AM learning it quite slowly.
That being said, there are whole phrases which I use all the time and therefore they trip effortlessly off the tongue.
Ironically, one of those phrases is "Oh no, I only speak a little Korean. I'm just learning it slowly."
It's a fair mouthful and I have to own up to a childish glee whenever I trot it out and see them processing the fact that I've just "I don't speak Korean.", in flawless Korean! heh heh.
So I skipped out of the pharmacy that day clutching my Tylenol and a warm glow of satisfaction that for once I had been able to disarm 'The Look'.
I could get used to this feeling.
Not the copious and arduous amounts of study it requires though. Sigh.