Sunday, 21 August 2011

Confessions of a rubbish blogger....and 'Quotes of the week!'

*sigh*  you know, I was doing so well there in June and July, my posts were actually approaching regularity.....kind of.
Then the internet connection went down in my apartment, just as Vacation started, which meant it took me two weeks to get it back and that just threw me right off my game. 

So here is a short little post, to get the ball rolling again.  A light and easy quotes of the week.  Some humerous moments from here in ROK:

while discussing Korean winter fashion, which I am a HUGE fan of, I can't wait for it to snow:
"Koreans don't really go for thick, heavy overcoats, cos they layer like motherf*%$ers."


"Kate, do you have any Irish cousins who are good-looking and single?  Cos I need a man who can make me laugh and won't judge me for my drinking."


On first seeing me after I dyed my hair a few shades darker:
Louis (8yr old):  "Kate-uh Teachuh, hair!!  Hair......(searches desperately for a word)"

Me:  "Different?"

Louis:  "Yes."

Me:  "Yepuda?"  (pretty)

Louis, pauses and stares consideringly for several seconds:  "No."


Korean woman to my sister in a bar:

"You drink?!  I like you!"


Right my lovelies, normal service will resume shortly.

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