Friday, 24 June 2011

Norae Bang or Bust!

It's true what they say : it's always the nights when you really want to curl up at home in your pyjamas, yet instead you drag your sorry carcass out - those are the nights that are usually epic.
I worked late this evening, due to glitches in my handling of Korean word processing, and when I got home all I wanted to do was snuggle up to some Korean noodles while watching Taiwanese drama and nursing my cough. I'm a girl of simple tastes!
But when I got home and checked my mail I had a message from a Tae Kwon Do buddy letting me know that our Kwan Jan Nim (our Teacher) was being interviewed by a reporter from Seoul who was also going to take photos of the class. So all the students were being called in, looking all shiny for the camera. After the photo shoot we had a short practice and I was still intent on crawling back home........but then, food was delivered - little pieces of chickeny heaven that perked me right up and when someone said 'Norae Bang?' I said, 'Hell yeah!'

I've been to my friends Phillipino Norae Bang a few times but this was my first time at a proper Korean joint with some of my Korean friends. Between the natives and the long-termers who have been here over a year, we had some good Korean music going on.

I even stumbled through my favourite ballad from the drama 'Secret Garden' thanks to Dutch courage and LOTS of prompting from Insu.

My personal high point of the night was the last song, which was 'Sorry Sorry' by SuperJunior as sung by Elizabeth and Insu.

I've linked the video below so you can see for yourself how catchy it is!

The building didn't look like much from the outside, but as you can see, this joint took Karaoke seriously!

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