Sunday, 28 March 2010

The Long Good Sunday

Today our parish of St. Albert's celebrated Palm Sunday in St. Catherine's Convent.
As we stood in the garden where we were beginning the procession, I had a lovely sense of 'Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.' (The more things change, the more things stay the same)

This was because I had stood in the same garden the year before on Psalm Sunday, when I was up from Cardiff on a visit. I tell ya guys, you can't beat a church service for a sense of continuity!

This of course gave rise to all sorts of reflections about the past year, how far I've come and where on God's good earth am I headed next? Well, I know I'm in Edinburgh for the next 7 months at least, but I'm still left wondering where will I work and other 'quo vadis' type questions.

In slightly less head wrecking news, today sees us entering what should hopefully be the last week of Best Friend's pregnancy. Baby is due on Holy Thursday and Best Friend's parents are arriving tomorrow evening. So we have been busy this week rearranging rooms, washing baby clothes and filling the freezer with lasagna, meat loaf, chili and other deliciousness.

Now, all that's left to do is finish some basic tidying before the folks arrive, then hit the library for lots of lightweight books - I mean this both physically and mentally - that Best Friend can read in hospital and while breastfeeding (she'll need to hold them one handed you see).

Meanwhile, my baby sister, MsAmused, is living the life of Riley in Wellington, making nice new friends and basically living it large.
If I was an atom less delighted for her I would be consumed with envy!

As it is it's her journey is good incentive to get on and have my own adventures.

Thought for this evening I think I'll settle for making some Welsh cakes and watching a Bollywood movie with Best Friend!

Peace out!